A Snappy Dresser
Pointy hats, fancy dresses, red shoes... Whew!
Pope's got the sartorial sixth sense mojo going for him these days...
Pope's got the sartorial sixth sense mojo going for him these days...
Don't know about you, but I thought all the hoopla surrounding this guy's visit to the USA was nothing more than a craven attempt by media hotshots to kiss religious ass; especially Catholic ass.
Well, actually, it was more than a craven ass-kissing. It was pathetic, spineless, unwarranted, and frankly hard to watch...
The Washington Post led with a front-page story that was notable for its total lack of skepticism about this windbag from Rome who parades around maintaining he's got a close and personal relationship with the "creator of the universe". I long for the day when the now cowed and credulous press wakes up, starts asking some tough questions, and calls him what he really is: A Fraud.
A Cult by Any Other Name
Before the doe-eyed and credulous get all worked up about my disdain for the notoriety accorded this "Papal Visit!", let's pause for a moment to remind them who this pope guy is and what he represents:
He's the supreme leader of one of the largest, wealthiest, and most well-organized cults in the world. Yeah, trust me, it's a cult. A very dangerous and destructive cult.
He's the supreme leader of one of the largest, wealthiest, and most well-organized cults in the world. Yeah, trust me, it's a cult. A very dangerous and destructive cult.
While he may seem like "such a nice man", what with all his blessings and homilies, on closer inspection, his "holiness", "The Pontiff", turns out to be the flinty-eyed CEO of one of the biggest anti-thinking, anti-woman, money-grabbing rackets on the planet. Don't let the current lull in the action fool you; these folks don't favor of "freedom of the press", and given half a chance, they'll kick your ass around the block for disagreeing with anything that they say is "gospel truth".
This church he heads is the same outfit that, a mere 400 years later, finally got around to "pardoning" Galileo (a man Einstein hailed as the father of science) for his heretical support of the Copernican view of the heavens. What's more, there still at it! These morons undermine women, protect pedophiles, repress normal sexuality, believe in demons and in exorcisms, and actually think that condoms are the work of the Evil One. That's just the itty bitty tip of the iceberg.

BTW: Galileo's heresy? If you can believe it, the old fool was arguing that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. Yeah, what a dope....
Absent the choke-chain of scientific reason (what Carl Sagan referred to as a flickering candle in the dark of a demon haunted world) the pontiff and his minions would still be righteously torturing people, merrily burning them at the stake, stealing children from parents, handing Jews over to Nazi killers etc. etc. All in the name of the "Prince of Peace".
I mean, even the birds know better than to cut him any slack...
OMG! OMG! The "Dove of Peace" is going to rip his nose right off his face or shit-stain his dress, and he knows it!
Is there a reporter in the house? For god's sake, somebody do something!
Wait. Wait. Wait a second. OK. OK. Never mind, that's a photo of the old pope...
Is there a reporter in the house? For god's sake, somebody do something!
Wait. Wait. Wait a second. OK. OK. Never mind, that's a photo of the old pope...
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